6 Feet Under

Welcome to the End
Just to go Under

Get used to the influence
You ain't got no other.

It's the same
old story of

Turning your back 
Not givin enough

I told you once, now twice, three times might I add
That this time the pain will no longer last. 
The calm complexion of your aur fades as you blast.
Another cigarette, maybe a cold one will calm her ass.

I think the pain that I grew up reflects my past.
The dangers that not one stranger will interact
Cause it be "rangers lead the way" till we boast and laugh
All to fight a dying cause for a country that won't take our backs.

9 months have gone since I have seen you last.
Why ain't we arguing like usual aint this where you unlash
Against this anger to a stranger, you endangered, with a 
fatherless daughter, who no longer bothered mangering her childhood
with no charter when you left with a rack of empty coathangers.
while you smoked away your whole savings account at last.

Come at me, the one who you married, the one who you fooled into this 
Rip into me, the one who you carried, down that aisle knowing this
Yell at me, the one who you buried, when you left me for all of this
Drink with me, the one who cried for you every moment that it would not be this.

You had a chance to say goodbye didn't you?
Not one, not one "I love you" not one "I will come home"
Now I have a chance to change what was written, 

Change it you'll see. 
You'll see the same old story of a girl
Short and tough
You'll see the same old story of a boy
Nervous and Disciplined
They meet, fall in love, and happy ever after right?
...A fatherless child.
Her mother with a cigarette in one hand,
a bottle in the other.
Lied against the doorframe,
A pastor telling her that it will all be alright in the end.
I guess that is how you know.
It was a happy ending after all.


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